Our History

DZP Technologies was founded in 2008 by Dr. Zlatka Stoeva and Dr. Dan Tonchev, experts in material science and technology transfer.

Being deeply inspired by the maxim ‘Cambridge ideas change the world’, they set up DZP with the aim of ‘developing sustainable technology that changes lives through scientific discovery.’

They based themselves in Cambridge to take advantage of the favourable eco system supporting innovation and entrepreneurship.

In 2017, Professor Tonchev decided to focus primarily on his academic positions, after which Dr Stoeva acquired full ownership of the company.


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Early innovations with Solar Photovoltaics empowered us to then secure more than £2 million in grants to date, leading to collaborations with some of the world’s leading scientists and institutions, resulting in further innovation and new technologies.

Our collaboration partners include the Universities of Cambridge, Surrey, and Warwick; the National Physical Laboratory; and the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council.

As a result of our partnerships and innovations, we consistently attract, recruit, and retain very talented scientists and PhD students who share our values and want to work with us. This depth of knowledge from diverse backgrounds ensures we keep up to date with the latest in technological progress.

We have real market understanding which results in the development of innovative solutions that are also commercially viable.

To date, we have worked with over 120 clients in 22 countries including both FTSE 100 and NASDAQ listed companies, of which we are approved suppliers.

We are positive about the future and we are committed to reshaping electronics manufacturing and user experience, creating bridges between the physical and digital world, hardware and software.


Our Values

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We value new and creative ideas including those that challenge existing beliefs and norms. We actively encourage creativity, curiosity and critical thinking to project and predict future technology needs and then go make them happen. Being open to other people’s ideas and insights, we seek to learn from others outside science and technology.

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We value working with others. We believe that innovation happens best in partnership, because no one organisation has everything that’s required to solve complex technological problems on their own or in isolation. We respect others knowledge, skills and achievements and understand what we can uniquely bring to each project. Effective collaboration allows for faster innovation.

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We value the planet and make every effort, both big and small, to preserve it. We ensure that every technological development we make, takes into account its’ impact on nature. We will not use materials or processes which are harmful to the environment. We actively promote the use of aqueous chemistry, natural materials and reuse and recycling.

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We value different ways of thinking and of seeing the world from radically different perspectives, which allows us to learn from each other. Diversity opens our eyes and minds to explore, learn and create; lifting our own restrictions and beliefs to make space for creative thinking and problem solving. We believe that everyone has something unique to offer.

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We value ability in all its forms and the talent of our people is our greatest asset and something of which we are proud. We believe that talent needs to be nurtured and developed and we have and continue to create a positive work environment in which our people can grow and flourish. We offer coaching and mentoring for your current role and career planning for your next.